Update on our wonderful children
We could not be more proud of our children, their imagination is going through the roof! They are taking risks in their play and learning, coming up with the own design ideas and then building and creating with these in mind. They are developing their skills with free craft, cutting and using different tools. Children have been continuing to learn their sounds (through Jolly Phonics) and do writing and drawing- to perfect their control, and grip on the pen.
They are learning the days of the week, months of the year (many have perfected this)
To take turns and share. About how to keep themselves safe in life - through learning why it is important to take the register, practicing a fire drill and learning 999, talking about first aid, stranger danger, what to check for in the garden to ensure their safety. They even learn to recognise our safe knock.
Children are developing social skills, developing friendships and showing empathy for one another.
Our children feel confident to ask for help, but are also developing in independence.
We feel it is also very important to empower our children to make their own choices- we have stocked child accessible cupboards based on their areas of interest. We tell the children daily how much they are loved by us, their family and friends, so they know how important there are. And during meditation - children think of different loved ones, people they have missed during lockdown, and of all of the good deeds others have done for them, and of the good choices they have made.
Developing understanding of their feelings, and supporting them to regulate their emotions, while giving them the confidence to try new things, take risks and constantly develop and learn is key to success in school and beyond, and our children are smashing it xxx