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Starting at PreSchool:

We value each child an individual - so settling in is based around the child's needs.  We observe each child and adapt our behaviour, toys and layout to which best suits your child.  Each child is given a key person to help support them to settle and prevent avoidable upset during this transition period.  We collect information from parents based on their child's likes, dislikes, fears and achievements.  We use this information to help support your child, and develop their social skills, play and learning.


Observe, Assess, Plan, Do
At Jack and Jill’s we teach children through 'In the Moment Planning', to achieve this we observe children in their play, we assess the levels they are working at and whether the child can benefit from our support.  We then plan how we can step in to support their development and learning further. To develop a child's learning, staff may introduce further resources, encourage deeper thinking through questioning, making suggestions- why don't you try to build a tower as big as you? or encouraging co-operative, social play - such as a turn-taking, or finding the solution to a problem that has upset the child (such as wanting the toy another child its playing with).  At Preschool we pride ourselves on identifying barriers to learning quickly and efficiently, acting straight away to put corrective support and interventions in place.  We monitor the impact and effectiveness of the support provided, working closely with parents/carers at every stage.  We review and adapt support as needed (Observe, Assess, Plan, Do, Review).

Focus Children and Interactions
Each half term, children are given a week where they are a Focus child, staff record interactions with the child - What they have observed the child doing, how the staff member has supported their learning and development (Intent and Implementation), and the outcome/Impact of the child's achievement.  These interactions alongside photos of the children, including Wow Moments are stuck into the child's Learning Journal, which is then shared with the Parents/Carers.  Termly, staff come together to assess each child in line with the EYFS.  We identify the levels children are working at, and any gaps in their learning.  This knowledge is used to support your child, and inform us how to adapt our environment and resources further, providing opportunities for your child to enhance their learning.    We keep parents up to date with changes made and their child's progress through summaries of progress each half term, answering any questions parents have raised in the Focus Week sheet; from their Learning Journal, 2 Year Progress check and Reports to Parents.  We also share photos, important dates and updates of information and reminders on our closed Facebook Group (Jack and Jills Preschool) and through our website blog.

When children leave our setting to go to school we provide the school with a Transition Form for each child.  We also work in partnership with parents and outside agencies that are there to support your children; including  Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Educational Psychology, Family support etc.

 Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Playing and exploring – engagement

Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’

Active learning – motivation

Being involved and concentrating
Keeping trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

Creating and thinking criticallythinking

Having their own ideas Making links
Choosing ways to do things


Area of Learning and Development 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

Making relationships

Self-con dence and self-awareness

Managing feelings and behaviour

Physical Development 

Moving and handling

Health and self-care

Communication and Language 

Listening and attention








Shape, space and measure

Understanding the World 

People and communities

The world


Expressive Arts and Design 

Exploring and using media and materials

Being imaginative


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