Apologies, I really dislike going back to Covid conversations- but this is where we are at, I’m afraid.
With numbers rising, Covid hitting Bexley schools at what seems like an incredible rate and the new variant being found in Bexley, we are asking for parents/carers dropping and collecting at preschool to wear a face mask unless exempt.
Staff will wear a mask at this time aswell.
Children are not expected to wear masks and staff will continue to not wear masks when alone with the children (unless a parent or visitor are present), or they wish to wear them.
All visitors up till now have been required to wear a mask on site and this will continue to be the case.
Staff are to continue to do 2 lateral tests per week to ensure we are as safe as possible.
We will continue to put school trips on hold, unless it is a walk around the church or local area, as we feel it is an unnecessary risk to take children on buses currently.
Thank you for your support x we wish you all good health.