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  • Writer's pictureAnna Zeneli

Collating our Assessments

Each term we look at the levels our children are working at, and use this information to develop further.

Overall our children are currently achieving well in Self Confidence- children feel safe and happy. Using In the moment planning, having different resources available for self selection and free-flow play is developing the confidence of our children.

Overall we are doing well in Literacy. Children are developing confidence in writing using the whiteboards each day, creating notes, mark-making outside and putting letters in the post box, they also love writing on the post-it notes. Children enjoy jolly phonics.

Children overall are achieving well in manipulating materials - having access to various resources to enable printing, painting, cutting and sticking, malleable play.

Their imagination is growing- access to different resources and roleplay areas is paying off.

Areas for development

Understanding and listening and attention is good overall, however we need to continue to develop our children’s speech and encouraging children to ask questions.

Continuing to support children in managing their feelings and promoting positive behaviour. Supporting children to calm down, to co- regulate with a member of staff and then find a solution to the problem with support- to find a happy result for all; maintaining their emotional well-being.

Encouraging children to develop friendships

Manual handling and developing self care. Children are excellent at washing hands and know why it is important, children are becoming more independent dressing and putting coats on. Potty training needs to be developed more

Overall we need to help develop our children’s skills in mathematics - particularly numbers. A maths week may be on the horizon soon x

We also need further development in People and the community and Understanding of the World. To achieve this we will be doing more planting, seeing how things grow and decay and talking about different roles in our community.

We are so very proud of our children’s achievements. It has been such a trying time and yet our children have made so many steps forward!! We love you all

We must say a big thank you to all of our parents and carers too- that have been working so hard during this time xxx

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