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Planning for this week coming

Writer's picture: Anna ZeneliAnna Zeneli

One thing I noticed after looking at our children’s tracking, and seeing how they are getting on - is that many need a gentle push to develop their skills in mathematics. As a result this week come will be Math’s week!

We will be learning songs with numbers, counting objects and comparing them by size- Daddy bear, baby bear etc. We will be carrying out physical activities using the large sand timers to time ourselves. We will be learning prepositions, e.g the superhero is ‘on the’ stage, is hiding ‘under’the table, ‘behind’ the box. We will be playing hide and seek, doing obstacle courses, playing What’s the time Mr Wolf, run to the the triangle... and many more.

If you would like more ideas to develop your child’s maths skills please just ask- maths is everywhere!

Count the steps you walk down, guess how many grapes in your bowl and then check, talk about money while shopping, count the numbers of buses and identify the numbers on the front. Colours- how many red cars can you see, which is the biggest twig, can you order the leaves by size...

Thursday we are having BOX day. The children will only be given boxes to play and create with. They will also be given masking tape, glue, paint and various other resources to use with the boxes, but boxes is pretty much it. We aim to use the 3D objects/ shapes to develop the children’s imagination - enabling them to use objects in various ways. We do not always need expensive toys to have fun! We are very excited!

Can you please bring in as many boxes as you can for Thursday - big, small, the sky is the limit! Any resources we could use would also be very much appreciated- e.g foil, masking tape etc


Friday is bike day - bikes, ride ins scooters etc are all welcome! Let’s see how fast they can go!

Have a lovely weekend everyone x

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